Resolution for Local Agency Program Project Agreements (LAPPA) for Construction of Three Stimulus Funding Projects (B)
This item is a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute LAPPAs between the City of Gainesville and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for the construction of three Stimulus Funding Projects: 1) 6th Street Rail Trail, 2) NE 8th Avenue Mill & Resurface, and 3) NW 34th Street Sidewalk.
The City of Gainesville is a FDOT certified local agency. This allows the City to enter into agreements with FDOT for the City to use transportation funding from the Federal Government. The City is requesting to enter into a Local Agency Program project agreements with FDOT for the construction of the three City of Gainesville projects prioritized by the MTPO for Federal stimulus funding.
Fiscal Note
The LAP Project Agreements provide the City with funding in the amount of $2,300,000 for construction costs as follows: 1) 6th Street Rail Trail - $1,000,000, 2) NE 8th Avenue Mill & Resurface - $300,000, and 3) NW 34th Street Sidewalk - $1,000,000.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) adopt the Resolution; and 2) authorize the City Manager to execute the LAP Project Agreements for construction of 6th Street Rail Trail, NE 8th Avenue Mill & Resurface, and NW 34th Street Sidewalk.