NE 4th Avenue One-way Street Conversion - Duckpond Neighborhood (B)
This item involves a request to convert NE 4th Avenue from a one-way street to a two-way street between NE 1st Street and NE Boulevard and consider the removal of the traffic signal at N. Main Street and 4th Avenue.
At the February 25, 2008, Duckpond Neighborhood Association (DNA) meeting, the Board of Directors voted to recommend that NE 4th Avenue be converted to a two-way street, parking bays be staggered along the section that converted to provide for traffic calming, and that the traffic signal at N. Main Street and 4th Avenue be removed. The conversion of this street to two-way traffic will improve traffic circulation in the neighborhood. Residents along NE 4th Avenue and within a half block of the effected segment brought forth a petition to the DNA to recommend to the City Commission that this conversion be made. The DNA voted to recommend that the City Commission study all of the one-way streets in the Duckpond Neighborhood.
Fiscal Note
The implementation of this project will cost approximately $500 and is available in the Public Works Department FY08 operating budget.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) direct the City Manager or designee to convert NE 4th Avenue between NE 1st Street and NE Boulevard to a two-way street; 2) stagger the parking bays along NE 4th Avenue to provide for traffic calming; 3) remove the traffic signal at N. Main Street and 4th Avenue in accordance with the traffic signal removal procedures established by the Florida Department of Transportation; and 4) study the remaining one-way streets in the Duckpond Neighborhood.
Alternative Recommendation
The City Commission: 1) reject the request to convert NE 4th Avenue from a one-way street to a two-way street between NE 1st Street and NE Boulevard; and 2) leave the traffic signal at N. Main Street and 4th Avenue in place.