Update on Redevelopment Projects (NB)
Staff has been asked to provide an update on several redevelopment projects.
University Corners- The development agreement has been provided to the developer for review.
Hampton Hotel Development Agreement- A draft of this agreement is under review.
Model Block Project Update- The first house, Site A, in the Pleasant Street Model Block area is ready to be sold. During the CRA open house, at the site for potential buyers on the weekend of April 22 and 23, 2006, twenty five potential buyers viewed the house. Five (5) people attended the pre bid meeting on May 4, 2006. Bids on the house will be accepted on June 2, 2006. Site B is nearing the mid point of construction, and Site D construction should begin shortly.
Northwest 5th Avenue Streetscape- Construction documents are under review and should be released to purchasing shortly. Staff anticipates that the streetscape will be built this summer when fewer students would be impacted by the construction.
Master Plan for Area surrounding Depot Park- This Request for Qualifications has been released. There is a pre bid meeting on Wednesday, May 17th at 2:30 PM. Proposals are due on June 2nd. A ranking of firms will be at brought to the CRA at the June meeting.
April Out to Lunch Concert a success, join us for our next concert on the Plaza May 18th: The April 20th Out to Lunch concert was a success, with nearly 100 people enjoying lunch, jazz, and conversation. Please join us as for our next lunchtime concert from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM on Thursday, May 18th featuring the Marty Liquori Quartet. The final lunchtime concert for the spring season will be held on June 15th.
Tackle Box Property Demolished on April 28th. The CRA began its first step in the construction of a new "gateway" feature into East Gainesville, which began with the demolition of the old Tackle Box fish and bait store located on 1430 SE Hawthor...
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