Resolution Accepting Transfer of San Felasco County Park from Alachua County (B)
This item involves a request for the City Commission to adopt the proposed resolution, which provides for the transfer of San Felasco County Park from Alachua County to the City of Gainesville.
At the February 19, 2009 City Commission meeting, the City Commission heard a presentation by the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Department as well as the Alachua County Parks and Open Space Department, regarding the proposed transfer of San Felasco County Park from Alachua County to the City of Gainesville in FY2010. The matter was approved as recommended.
The proposed resolution provides for the transfer of San Felasco County Park.
Fiscal Note
Funding for the operating costs related to San Felasco County Park has been included in the FY2010 budget.
The City Commission: 1) approve the resolution accepting the transfer of San Felasco County Park from Alachua County; and 2) authorize the Mayor and Clerk of the Commission to execute the resolution, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.
Alternate Recommendation
The City Commission not adopt the proposed Resolution, and provide the City Manager with further direction on this matter.