Recommendation for First Extension with Fleet Response (B)
In FY03-04, Fleet Management personnel reviewed the process for repairing damaged fleet vehicles. The review confirmed that the process created extensive vehicle downtime to our customers (operating departments) and that it required several personnel hours from Fleet and Purchasing Staff. Staff concluded that the outsourcing of this function would provide cost saving opportunities to our customers by drastically reducing vehicle downtime. Additionally, staff time spent on the process would be reduced thereby allowing more time for other projects.
Fleet Management issued a Request for Proposal (FMDX-140025-PJ) for Vehicle Accident Management Services on February 11, 2014. CEI was the only bidder and contact was made with the vendors on the bid list to determine the reason for lack of response. The bid holders who did not bid were not able to deliver the service requested due to lack of technology. The CEI contract expired on 9/30/2017.
Fleet Management issued a Request for Proposal (FMDX-180007-DS) for Vehicle Accident Management Services on May 8, 2017. There were two bidders; however, Fleet Response was the only responsive and qualified bidder.
In August 2017, the City Commission approved a two (2) year contract with Fleet Response to perform this service using local vendors who qualified for partnerships. The current contract was set to expire 9/30/2019.
Fleet Management Staff would request that the Commission approve the first 12-month period extension, as contract allows for three (3) such extensions.
Fiscal Note
Fleet Management has adequate funds available in Fund 502 for Fiscal Year 20 Budget to cover expenses incurred.
The City Commission: 1) Award First Extension with Fleet Response and authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute the contract extension pending approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.