License Plate Recognition (LPR) System Hardware for Parking Enforcement (B)
This item is a request to purchase License Plate Recognition (LPR) system hardware for parking enforcement.
The Public Works Department - Parking Operations has sought out a system to more efficiently conduct parking enforcement rather than manual chalking of tires. Currently, vehicles are either manually marked with chalk or the license plate information is manually entered into a handheld device. Both processes are time consuming and/or inefficient.
The LPR system is an automated tracking system that captures parking times of vehicles while enforcement personnel drive down the street, using cameras mounted on a vehicle. This system is efficient and effective in that it continues to capture how long a vehicle is parked based on the number of times you drive that same street, thus verifying accurate times of a parked vehicle.
The City currently utilizes T2 Systems as its parking enforcement software and the LPR is a component of their services, thus not requiring any additional setup or purchase to operate other than the LPR system hardware. T2 Systems Inc. is the sole developer of software used by Dana Safety Supply for Auto Vu/Genetic. Genetic is the only company that can interface with the eticketbook system (mobile enforcement software for laptop) with T2.
Staff recommends purchase of the LPR system using Dana Safety as the specified source.
Fiscal Note
Funding in the amount of $63,715 is available through CIP funds.
The City Commission authorize purchase of the License Plate Recognition system hardware.