Referral Item #070084 - City of Gainesville Energy Policy - Gainesville Energy Advisory Committee (GEAC) (NB)
This item is in reference to the Regional Utilities Committee referral item #070084.
This is a long standing referral to the RUC. GEAC has made no progress relative to this issue. GEAC is by nature only an advisory committee and has participated ad hoc in relative issues before the City Commission.
Given the actions taken by the City Commission to promote energy efficiency and secure renewable power supplies and the discussion with GRU staff under RUC item #080078 (GRU Vision), the Regional Utilities Committee voted at the August 27, 2009 meeting to recommend removal of this item from the referral list.
The City Commission remove this item from the referral list.
Prepared by Robert E. Hunzinger, General Manager
Submitted by the Regional Utilities Committee