Executive Search Firm for General Manager (B)
Staff recommends hearing oral presentations by the three best evaluated executive search firms for the purpose of selecting one firm to assist in the hiring process for the General Manager position.
At the City Commission meeting on April 10, 2006, a draft Request for Proposals (RFP) for executive search services for the General Manager was submitted to the City Commission for approval. The City Commission directed staff to issue the RFP and asked Interim General Manager Karen Johnson, City Manager Russ Blackburn, and Human Resources Director Tom Motes to review the proposals and recommend the top ranked firms (approximately three) for oral presentations to the City Commission. On June 12, 2006, staff provided a short list of two (2) firms for consideration to the City Commission based on evaluation of the responsive proposals. Due to concerns that the fixed fee pricing requirement limited the number of responsive proposals received, the City Commission directed staff to reissue the RFP with an alternative pricing structure to allow firms the ability to offer a fee based on a percentage of the hiring salary, including a maximum fee.
Staff reissued the Request for Proposals to sixteen (16) prospective executive search firms. Nine (9) proposals were received, two (2) with a no bid response. Seven (7) proposals were evaluated based on the firm's personnel qualifications and experience, methodology, responsiveness, schedule, pricing and references. The Mercer Group, Inc., MRI Network Management Recruiters of Bonita Springs, Inc., and Mycoff & Associates submitted the best evaluated proposals and are recommended for oral presentations to the City Commission. A scoring tabulation of the proposals is included in the backup for your reference.
Fiscal Note
Funds for the executive search firm service are available in the GRU budget.
The City Commission: 1) hear ora...
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