Sexually Oriented Businesses (B)
Authorize staff to initiate a petition to the Plan Board addressing the manner in which the land development code permits and regulates sexually oriented businesses.
On April 13, 2009 the City Commission held a workshop to discuss the findings of Professor Eric Kelly, the City's consultant on this matter. The Commission was presented with a table that outlined how the City should address the issue of permitting sexually oriented businesses. Based upon the information presented, the Commission asked staff to review the I-2 zoning district to determine whether there would be enough parcels to meet constitutional requirements so that the I-1 zoning district could be eliminated as a possible district for consideration. Staff determined that the I-2 zoning district contains at least 100 qualified parcels. Based upon this information and consultation with Professor Kelly, staff recommends moving forward with a petition to Plan Board.
Fiscal note
Authorize staff to initiate a petition to the Plan Board for consideration and recommendation.