A Resolution of the City of Gainesville Endorsing the Lifequest Wellness and CARE Programs for the City Spirit Award from the Florida League of Cities (B)
The Florida League of Cities announced the "Florida Cities of Excellence" Award program in an effort to focus public attention to the countless things that Florida's outstanding city leaders and cities do to improve the quality of life for its citizens. The City Spirit Award will be given to a city for a specific, single, city-wide effort that addresses a local need.
The Fire Rescue Department has proposed the CARE program (Citizens Assisting in Response to Emergencies) and the LifeQuest Wellness program. In the past 10 years, the CARE program has provided low-cost certification training/retraining skills for CPR, First Aid, and Advanced Cardiac Life Support to more than 7,000 citizens and healthcare providers in the Community. The CARE program is funded through minimal fees that are paid for by the attendees.
A noticeable improvement in the health of City employees, resulting in a reduction of benefit claims, can be attributed to the LifeQuest program. Each year, a very limited number of organizations world-class in their approach to worksite wellness receives the Platinum Well Workplace Award, which represents the pinnacle of results-oriented worksite wellness programming. The City of Gainesville's award was also a major factor in the entire community achieving the Gold Well Workplace Award.
The Florida League of Cities has requested that the City of Gainesville adopt the support resolution by unanimous vote no later than March 15, 2004.
Fiscal Note
The City Commission adopt the resolution to submit a nomination to the Florida League of Cities for the CARE and LifeQuest programs.