Community Wide Plan to End Homelessness (NB)
This item was referred to the Community Development Committee on January 12, 2004 to address the community-wide plan to end homelessness and comprehensive homeless shelter facilities. This item is related to Legislative Item No. 040186 - Comprehensive Homeless Shelter Facilities.
This item was referred to the Community Development Committee on January 12, 2004. The Committee discussed this item on August 5, 2004, January 6, 2005, July 14, 2005, and February 2, 2006. On December 12, 2006, Jim Hencin, Block Grant Manager, reported to the Committee that the City Commission had received a report regarding criteria for selecting potential sites for a One-Stop Homeless Assistance Center. To date, the 10-Year Plan has been presented to the City/County Commissions and recommendations were brought forward to the implementation committees. They are: 1) creating an Office on Homelessness (completed); 2) establishing an interlocal agreement between the City, County and Alachua County Housing Authority (completed); and 3) the issuance of an RFP to create a One-Stop Homelessness Assistance Center. The due date for proposals to create a One-Stop Homelessness Assistance Center was January 12, 2007. When the proposals are received, they will be reviewed and recommendations submitted to the City and County Commissions at a joint meeting on January 29, 2007. The One-Stop Homeless Assistance Center should be in place during 2007.
Fiscal Note
Funds are budgeted by the City and County Commissions.
Community Development Committee to the City Commission: Remove this item from the referral list.