Prioritization of the City of Gainesville's Projects submitted for the Federal Transportation Reauthorization Bill Funding (NB)
The United State House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure is crafting new surface transportation authorization legislation to replace the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), which expires on September 30, 2009. The result of this is that the City of Gainesville must reapply through our Congressional Representative Offices for those applicable projects that we wish to receive continued funding and for any additional applicable projects. Staff has completed the significant task of completing the required forms and questionnaires for each of the projects listed. A requirement of this submittal is a letter signed by the Mayor stating both project prioritization and City support. The following projects have been prioritized as follows:
1. SW 62nd Boulevard - Acquire right-of-way and construct the Multimodal SW 62nd Boulevard Connector Corridor from Florida State Road 26 to Florida State Road 24 located in Gainesville, Florida.
2. Depot Avenue - Segments I - IV - To design, acquire right of way and reconstruct the Depot Avenue roadway in the corridor between US 441/SW 13th Street and SR 331/Williston Road, approximately 1.6 miles.
3. Transit Vehicle Purchase - Purchase additional buses for the RTS fleet.
4. RTS Operations and Maintenance Facility Expansion - This project includes expansion of operations and maintenance facility.
5. RTS Intelligent Transportation System - Purchase of an Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) system to better monitor on-time performance (service reliability), gather data to improve system performance, and response time in emergency situations. Also, Automatic Passenger Counters (APCs) equipment to track boarding and alighting (by stop and time of day), monitoring route running time, ...
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