Industrial Zoning Consultant Services (B)
Staff requests that the City hire a consultant to conduct an industrial uses study to satisfy the requirements of the moratorium on certain industrial development within the City. City staff has undertaken a review and compilation of model industrial zoning regulations, including performance standards, from other communities. Staff also has reviewed a list with the Public Works Committee of issues to be addressed in the study, and formed and met with a working group of Planning, Public Works, GRU and County staff. City staff then prepared a generalized scope of services for completing this task. Staff presented the scope of work to the Public Works Committee on June 29th for their review and approval. It was determined through an informal process of discussion with several consultants that such a study would cost the City approximately $25,000. Staff needs to move as quickly as possible to contract with a consultant.
Fiscal Note
The study will not exceed $25,000. The current balance in the Contingency Fund is $27,628.
Authorize the City Manager to spend up to $25,000 from the City Commission Contingency Fund to hire a consultant.