Eastside Redevelopment Incentive Program (B)
At the September 18, 2006 meeting, the CRA directed the Advisory Boards to re-examine the incentive programs, including the Redevelopment Incentive Programs that targeted smaller scale developments. On December 19, 2005, the CRA adopted the Eastside Redevelopment Incentive Program, in an effort to encourage development projects within the redevelopment area by offering assistance to those projects that would not happen, but for funds provided by the program. The program offers the developer a variety of incentives to choose from that best fits the need of the project. The Eastside Redevelopment district has such an incentive program in place. The program did not have an application fee for the third party review of developer's proposals that typically occurs with the incentive request. At the May Eastside Redevelopment Area Advisory Board meeting, the Board voted unanimously to draft language in the Eastside Redevelopment Incentive Program that would add a $1,000 application fee. The amended language would read as follows:
Application Process
All applicants must submit a $1,000.00 fee per application with checks payable to the Gainesville Community Redevelopment Agency in order for the application to be independently evaluated.
All applications must be submitted within three (3) weeks of the monthly Eastside Redevelopment Advisory Board meeting in order for the application to be independently evaluated.
Fiscal Note
None at this time. Any awards made in the future would be paid from the tax increment generated by the project and would not affect the district-wide budget.
Executive Director to the CRA 1) Approve the draft language in the Eastside Redevelopment Incentive Program to include a $1,000 application fee.