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File #: 041166    Version: 0 Name: A Special Use Permit with Development Plan Review for a Convenience Store/Restaurant (B)
Type: Petition Status: To Be Introduced
File created: 4/11/2005 In control: City Plan Board
On agenda: Final action: 4/11/2005
Title: A special use permit with development plan review for a convenience store/restaurant and a maximum of 12 gasoline fueling positions located at 1515 North Main Street. Petition 21SUP-05 PB (B)
Attachments: 1. 041166a_200504111300.pdf, 2. 041166b_200504111300.pdf
A special use permit with development plan review for a convenience store/restaurant and a maximum of 12 gasoline fueling positions located at 1515 North Main Street. Petition 21SUP-05 PB (B)

The petitioner is requesting approval of a Special Use Permit for the installation of 8 fuel pumps with 12 fueling positions and 3 underground fuel tanks for a newly constructed convenience store/restaurant to include a Lil' Champ and Quizno's. The City Commission reviews this petition because of the number of fueling positions requested.

The petitioner is proposing to raze the existing structures located on the 3.13-acre site. The existing structures were utilized by the Gainesville Dodge dealership for many decades until the Dodge dealership relocated to the 3000 block of North Main Street. The proposed site is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Northeast 16th Avenue and North Main Street, on property zoned BA (automotive-oriented business district). The property is located in the City's TCEA, Zone A.

The City Plan Board heard the special use permit and recommended that the petition be approved with staff conditions and the following modifications: Page 4, Screening and Buffering, Condition 4: Replace with a condition approved by the church and home owner, "The applicant shall install a 6-foot black aluminum picket fence in combination with the required vehicular buffer adjacent to the residential uses." Page 4, Screening and Buffering, Condition 5: Replace with "The applicant shall install a 9-foot wide vehicular buffer strip (containing hedge material and shade trees), curbing on both sides of the (21'-22' wide) landscape area, and a 5-foot wide sidewalk connection to the commercial site to the east." Page 6, Design Quality, Condition 9: Revise the condition to read "The petitioner shall work with Planning and Public Works Department staff, obtaining their approval to any proposal to narrow the internal drivew...

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