Ranking for Construction Management Professional Services for Minor Projects (B)
This item is a request for the City Commission to approve the ranking of Construction Management firms, and to authorize contracts for construction management professional services for minor projects.
On August 25, 2014, the City's Purchasing Division solicited written statements of qualifications to provide construction management services for minor projects (RFQ No. PWDA-150006-DH). Eleven (11) construction management firms submitted statements on August 25, 2014. Evaluation of the written submittals resulted in the invitation of seven (7) firms to present orally to the evaluators. The presentations held September 24, 2014 further established the qualifications, project approach and methodology for the project.
The evaluators ranked the firms as follows:
1) The Brentwood Company, Inc.
2) Charles Perry Construction, Inc.
3) Oelrich Construction, Inc.
4) Parrish McCall Constructors
5) Scherer Construction of North Florida, LLC
6) D&M Construction Group, Inc. dba Foresight Construction Group
7) BBI Construction Management, Inc.
Fiscal Note
Funding shall be available and further defined through the individual project accounts for which the Construction Managers are assigned.
The City Commission: 1) accept the selection of the five top ranked firms in the order of ranking; and 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all necessary contract documents with the five top ranked firms per the RFQ for construction management professional services, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.