Wireless Service for the Gainesville Police Department's Laptops (NB)
T-Mobile provides high speed wireless data service for the Gainesville Police Department. This allows communication between the laptops in GPD's vehicles and the Records Management System. The service agreement approved by the City Commission on September 8, 2003 provides for recurring costs in the amount of $31.35 per device for unlimited data. The requested purchase order will cover the period from October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2006. The City has a fixed rate plan, until such time as one party notifies the other of their intent to discontinue the service.
Fiscal Note
Funds for this expenditure are available from general funds, account number 001 810 8146 5210 4120.
The City Commission authorize the Interim City Manager to execute a Purchase Order to T-Mobile, Inc., Jacksonville, Florida, a specified source, in an amount not to exceed $108,721.80 for recurring wireless service expenses.