Second Extension to the Contract for Inmate Work Crew for the Solid Waste Division (B)
This item involves a renewal of the agreement between the City of Gainesville (City) and Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC) for Inmate Work Crew for Litter Clean-up for the term of December 16, 2007 through December 15, 2008.
As part of the budget preparation process for fiscal year 2005-2006, funds were identified in the Solid Waste Enterprise budget for a contract inmate work crew with the Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC). The inmate work crew consists of an FDOC supervisor and five inmates from their work camp.
This annual contract pays for the salary of the FDOC supervisor along with required tools and supplies in the amount of $55,777. The City of Gainesville will be guaranteed five inmates and a supervisor on a daily basis for 40 hours per week, with the exception of City holidays and mandatory FDOC Training days. The major work focus of this crew will be litter cleanup along city roadways and assistance with graffiti removal. The inmate crew will also be responsible for the cleanup of illegal dumpsites.
The original contract allowed for two (2) additional one (1) year period renewals. This is the second request for a renewal to the contract.
Fiscal Note
Funding in the amount of $55,777 for the second extension to this contract is available in the Fiscal Year 2008 Solid Waste Enterprise Fund.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) authorize the City Manager to execute the second extension to extend the termination date of the contract with Florida Department of Corrections for a contractual inmate work crew for Litter Clean-up for the term of December 16, 2007 through December 15, 2008; subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.
Alternative Recommendation: The City Commission deny the second extension to the contract and no longer utilize contract inmate labor t...
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