Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance Competitive Grant Application for a Mobile Command Vehicle (NB)
The State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs, Division of Emergency Management has announced funding availability from the Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance Program. The City of Gainesville Police Department is applying for approximately $250,000.00 under the Emergency Management Competitive Grant Program under the award category for other projects that will further state and local emergency management objectives which have been designated by the State of Florida as priorities in the Notice of Funding Availability. The City's proposal will address Priority Area B) Projects that will implement the community's Local Hazard Mitigation Strategy.
The goal of this project is to purchase and equip a Mobile Command vehicle capable of responding to local emergency situations and serving as a command post with full communications ability allowing coordinated efforts to deal with the existing disaster.
Grant dollars are intended to purchase the vehicle and necessary equipment to become operational.
Fiscal Note
The project is valued at approximately $250,000 and requires no City matching funds.
The City Commission authorizes the City Manager to: 1) apply to the Emergency Management Competitive Grant Program for approximately $250,000, and if awarded; 2) execute the grant agreement, pending review by the City Attorney as to form and legality.