Award of Remaining Contract to Provide Collection and Clinical Lab Services to Doctor's Laboratory, Inc. (B)
This item involves a request for the City Commission to approve the transfer of the remaining contract term from Jager's Enterprise, Inc to Doctor's Laboratory Inc.
The City of Gainesville administers various pre-employment, random and post accident drug testing programs. In addition to the drug testing programs, the City of Gainesville has offered low cost access to certain diagnostic testing to its employees and retirees through a contracted arrangement with an outside provider. Recently, the City initiated a competitive bid process to award the Contract for Collection and Clinical Laboratory Technical and Professional Services. Through the Purchasing Division, the RFP was distributed via Demand Star, in addition each local laboratory was contacted notifying them of the RFP. The nature of this service requires that a local collection site is available for both normal working hours, and after hours for drug testing purposes. The City received two proposals, one of which did not address collection services.
The proposal, received from Jagers Enterprises DBA Elite Services was reviewed by staff and determined to meet all the qualification specified in the RFP. However, based on recent events, staff believes it is the best interest to switch to a specified vendor. Specifically, it was recently learned that our drug testing lab services had been switched to anther lab. This is in conflict with the proposal submitted by Jager's Enterprises and caused a delay in the City receiving drug test results. The contract with Jager's may be terminated by the City of Gainesville, without cause, upon the giving of 30 days of termination. The City receives funds from the Federal Transit Administration and there are specific requirements for drug testing. The requirement for random testing states that testing must be randomly perfo...
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