Vacation of a portion of the Shady Forest Plat (B)
Petition CC-13-04 SUB: Causseaux, Hewett and Walpole, Inc., agent for Garrison SW 17th Avenue LLC. Reversion of subdivided land, Shady Forest, to acreage. Zoned: Urban mixed-use district 2 (UMU-2). Located north of SW 20th Avenue between SW 37th Street and SW 38th Terrace.
On April 18, 2013 the City Commission voted to continue this item to May 2, 2012. This petition is a request to vacate a portion of an older subdivision, Shady Forest, returning it to acreage for future development. The plat originally included 64 lots of which sixteen have been incorporated into other developments, leaving a total of 48 existing lots. This petition is to convert 40 of the 48 remaining lots into acreage. The eight remaining lots are improved with single-family dwellings which are served by dirt roads and will retain formal access to SW 20th Avenue via the existing dirt roads which has a right-of-way width of 30 feet.
The Land Development code requires that revision of a subdivision to acreage be processed in accordance with the Florida Statutes, Chapter 177.102. It requires that the City adopt a resolution vacating the plat and forwarding the plat vacation to the Alachua County Commission for adoption of a second resolution vacating the plat at a county level.
The petition was reviewed in the context of Florida Statutes Chapter 177.102, the City of Gainesville’s Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code. The petition is consistent with all of the requirements of FS 177.102. The applicant owns fee simple title to the land; the right of convenient access of the remaining lots is protected; legal notice has been provided; taxes have been paid and the roads to be vacated will not affect the overall transportation network.
On February 14, 2013 the Development Review Board approved the petition with conditions listed in the staff report.
Fiscal Note
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