An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida; approving an amendment to the Charter Laws of the City of Gainesville; amending Article II of the Charter Laws, entitled "City Commission"; keeping the number of commissioners at 5 by repealing the requirement to increase the number of commissioners when the population of the city reaches or exceeds 110,000; keeping the number of election districts at 3 by repealing the requirement to increase the number of districts to 4; providing for submission of these charter amendments to the voters for approval or disapproval at the November 5, 2002 special municipal election; approving the question to be placed on the ballot; providing directions to the codifier; providing directions to the Clerk of the Commission; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.
The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.
On August 12, 2002, the City Commission authorized the City Attorney to prepare and the Clerk of the Commission to advertise the ordinance amending the city charter. This amendment would keep the number of commissioners at 5 and the number of districts at 3 without regard to the city's population.
The ordinance must also contain the ballot language that is provided in Section 2 of the ordinance. By law, the number of words cannot exceed 75.
After adoption of the ordinance by the city commission, the charter amendments are subject to approval by the voters at a special municipal election to be held on November 5, 2002. This is the same date as the state general election.