Annexation of Parcel Numbers 06708-001-000, 06710-000-000, 06716-000-000, 06717-000-000, 06718-000-000, 06719-000-000, 06752-000-000, 06756-001-000, and 06756-002-000 (B)
This is the submission of petitions for voluntary annexation for the above referenced parcel numbers, which are located in the vicinity of SW 20th Avenue, the vicinity of SW 34th Street, SW 24th Avenue and the City limits, and SW 38th Terrace.
Jack C. May Trust, property owner, has submitted petitions to the City of Gainesville for voluntary annexation. The property is generally located in the vicinity of SW 20th Avenue, the vicinity of SW 34th Street, SW 24th Avenue and the City limits, and SW 38th Terrace Staff has determined that these petitions bear the signature of the property owners or authorized agents. Staff has reviewed the requirements of the Boundary Adjustment Act (BAA). This area meets the requirements of the Act and is appropriate for annexation. The area is approximately 8 acres.
Fiscal Note
The fiscal impact of this annexation will be addressed in the Urban Services Report.
The City Commission: 1) receive the petitions for annexation; and make findings that it contains the signature of the property owners or authorized agents; 2) direct the City Manager to analyze the area; and 3) authorize the City Attorney to prepare and the Clerk of the Commission to advertise ordinances relating to the annexation of the area, if appropriate.
Alternative Recommendation: The City Commission deny acceptance of the petitions.