City's 2017 Voluntary Affirmative Action Plans (GG and GRU) (B)
Pursuant to Equal Opportunity Policy #3, the Office of Equal Opportunity has completed both 2017 voluntary Affirmative Action Plans for General Government and Gainesville Regional Utilities. The plans are aligned with data received from the Human Resources Department. Each year, the City Commission receives and approves Affirmative Action Plans for both General Government and Gainesville Regional Utilities. The data contained in these documents are based on a snapshot of the organization as it existed on September 30, 2016.
In developing and implementing these voluntary Affirmative Action Plans, the City has been guided by its established policy of providing equal employment opportunity. These Affirmative Action Plans are voluntary management tools designed to ensure equal employment opportunity and focuses on the underrepresentation of minorities and women in the workforce. These voluntary Affirmative Action Plans have been developed in strict reliance upon the Guidelines on Affirmative Action issued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) (29 C.F.R. Part 1608)
These plans continue to serve as a demonstration of the City’s good faith efforts.
This item was reviewed and approved by the Promotion of Minority Owned and Minority Oriented Opportunities Special Committee on December 21, 2016. Commissioner Budd, Commissioner Goston and Commissioner Warren voted 3-0 recommending approval.
The City Commission receives and approves both 2017 Affirmative Action Plans for General Government and Gainesville Regional Utilities as prepared covering a two year period.
Fiscal note
This is no fiscal impact for this item.