Ordinance No. 0-04-17; Petition No. 154TCH-03 PB
An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending paragraph 30-56(c)(4) of the Land Development Code, amending off-street parking regulations in the University of Florida Master Plan Context Area to clarify and add additional requirements; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.
The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.
In 1997, the City Commission passed an ordinance regulating off-street parking in the University of Florida Master Plan Context Area (hereafter referred to as the Context Area) for properties with a single-family zoning district. The Context Area generally consists of the University of Florida's main campus and nearby neighborhoods.
As currently structured, that ordinance has been difficult to enforce. Several studies and committees have identified the need to revise the ordinance because, as currently written, the ordinance does not achieve its intended results. For example, a report by Duncan Associates, prepared for the City of Gainesville, lists requiring improved parking design as a policy option to address the issue of disorderly parking in the Context Area. Additionally, the Code Enforcement Sub-Committee of the Ad Hoc Committee on University Neighborhoods has recommended that permanent driveway markers be required.
The purpose of this petition is to add specificity to the driveway design regulations, thereby reducing confusion and increasing staff's ability to enforce the ordinance.
The proposed revisions require owners of property not in compliance with the current regulations to submit a parking plan within 30 days, and to implement that plan within 45 days of approval of the plan. Those now in compliance...
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