Natural Gas Trench and Casing Installation (NB)
Staff recommends approval to enter into multiple contracts with site preparation contractors to provide trench work, install casings for natural gas pipe under roadways, and place gas distribution pipe within numerous developer-related projects.
The Gas Transmission and Distribution Division desires to use numerous site development contractors to place casings under development roadways for the gas distribution system, to develop a joint trench system to accommodate the electric and gas distribution systems, and to assist in the placement of gas pipe within the trench system. The practice of installing both distribution systems within a common trench has proven to be cost effective for both utilities and is developer friendly. Generally, the developer’s site preparation contractor can perform these services in the most cost effective and timely manner. The site contractor installs the water and wastewater systems, develops the trench system for the electric system, and constructs the roadway system. Engaging one contractor to construct all civil and utility infrastructure facilitates the coordination of all site development construction activities. In that the site contractors vary from one development to the next, contracts with numerous contractors are required to satisfy the needs of the gas utility.
The amount paid to each contractor will be based on quoted pricing or negotiated pricing based on the size and requirements of the development which will result in lower overall costs.
The City Commission: 1) authorize the General Manager or her designee, to execute three-year contracts with various contractors to provide joint use trenches, install road crossings, and place gas distribution pipe on an as-needed basis, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality; and 2) approve the issuance of purchase orders in amounts not to exceed bu...
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