Replacement of HVAC Unit at Main Street Water Reclamation Facility (B)
The existing 30 ton roof top HVAC unit has reached a non-serviceable condition. The hydrogen sulfide environment of the Reclamation Facility has eroded the metal of the unit which has caused water intrusion in the Administration Building. The specifications for the replacement unit included factory applied Seacoast corrosion inhibitor and outside charcoal filters which will protect the unit from damage caused by hydrogen sulfide.
An Invitation to Bid was sent by Utilities Purchasing to five (5) prospective bidders with two bidders responding, one of which was deemed non-responsive. Facilities Maintenance confirmed similar units installed from other suppliers are priced in this range; hence, staff believes this is a fair and reasonable price in line with the current market and within budget.
Award of the bid is being recommended to the lowest, responsive bidder. A bid tabulation is attached for your reference.
The City Commission approve the issuance of a Purchase Order to Crystal Air & Water, Inc. for removing and replacing the existing 30 ton roof top HVAC unit at the Main Street Water Reclamation Facility in the amount of $52,207.00.
Fiscal Note
Funds for the project are budgeted in the FY2004/2005 Water/Wastewater budget.
Prepared by: Patricia A. Moore, Administrative Services Director
Submitted by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager