Revised Community Grant Program Guidelines (B)
This item requests that the City Commission consider updating the list of activities eligible for Community Grant Program funds.
On July 5, 2010, the City Commission approved the Community Grant Program (CGP). The CGP was first implemented in (FY) 2010-2011. The purpose of the CGP is to provide small amounts of funding to non-profit organizations performing community services that: advance City goals, serve a public purpose, and improve the quality of life for Gainesville residents. Since FY 2010-2011, the City Commission has allocated $125,000 per year for the CGP, with ten percent set aside for program administration. The maximum grant award is $2,500 per eligible non-profit organization. The City Commission developed and adopted guidelines describing eligible organizations, reimbursable activities, and program requirements and procedures. The Commission's plan was to keep the CGP application process simple for both the applicants and staff; and to fund as many eligible programs as possible within the approved program budget.
As required by the CGP Guidelines, the State Housing Initiative Program Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) reviews the funding applications and makes funding recommendations each year. On July 14, 2011, as part of the AHAC's CGP FY 2011-2012 funding recommendation, the AHAC recommended and requested that the City Commission consider an addition to the list of activities that are eligible for CGP funding beginning in FY 2012-2013. The AHAC requested to add an activity for Veterinary Care for Pets of Homeless Individuals and Families. Previously, at public hearings on October 12, 2010 and May 25, 2011, the AHAC heard statements from the public indicating that studies show that homeless individuals and families are more likely to utilize social services after their pets have received needed care. At the July 14, 2011, meeting the City Commission instructe...
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