Gainesville Innovation Zone Referral to the City Plan Board (B)
This item involves a request to the City Commission for a referral of the Gainesville Innovation Zone and supporting objectives/policies to the City Plan Board for inclusion in the City of Gainesville Comprehensive Plan's Intergovernmental Coordination Element.
The Gainesville Innovation Zone concept had its genesis from the inter-city trips undertaken by the community to various university cities throughout the nation in the last few years. Application of the Gainesville Innovation Zone is a method in which to spatially capture a Tier 1 economic development objective of the City Commission to position the City of Gainesville to take advantage of the Innovative Economy.
The proposed Gainesville Innovation Zone has five foundational principles: 1) proximity; 2) existing community assets/investments; 3) existing public incentives; 4) the State of Florida's emphasis on developing the Innovative Economy; and 5) similar efforts of Peer Cities.
The Gainesville Innovation Zone is proposed for inclusion in the Intergovernmental Coordination Element of the Comprehensive Plan in order to: 1) institutionalize and signal the City's commitment to building the innovation economy to various partners; 2) spatially define an area of concentrated activity and efforts at building innovative economy critical mass; and 3) accentuating the City's attempts to diversify the local economy.
Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact at this time
Recommended Motion: The City Commission initiate a referral petition to the City Plan Board to include the proposed Gainesville Innovation Zone and supporting objectives/policies in the City of Gainesville Comprehensive Plan's Intergovernmental Coordination Element.
Alternative Recommendation
Recommended Motion: The City Commission deny the referral petition to the City Plan Board of the proposed Gainesville Innovation Zone a...
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