Update on Dignity Village Review (B)
This item is a request for the City Commission to hear a report on the Dignity Village review.
**Estimated Presentation Time is 20 Minutes**
This item supports City Commission Strategic Initiative 3.1: Continue Implementation of the 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness.
This is an update on actions taken to date regarding the review of Dignity Village. As there are not currently many government-run homeless camping facilities in the United States, staff was directed to research and identify other such facilities across the country to determine what guidelines, rules, and regulations are being used to manage such facilities. Staff was also directed to conduct stakeholders meetings (Alachua County Coalition for the Homeless and Hungry [ACCHH] management, Dignity Village residents, the Oversight Board Workgroup and local business owners) to get their input and feedback on rules, regulations, and guidelines that would best govern the property. This document is submitted to the Gainesville City Commission and will be used as a basis for future discussions and policy decision making.
Fiscal Note
At this time the City is currently spending funds on 4 port-a-lets at Dignity Village. The cost to date is approximately $2,630 and is being paid by Facilities Management funds.
The City Commission receive the report regarding Dignity Village review and provide policy direction.