Presentation by Neighborhood Housing Development Corporation (NB)
The City Commission has provided $80,000 in block grant funds to Neighborhood Housing Development Corporation (NHDC) for development of the Ironwood North subdivision (to be renamed), and on August 2, 2004 discussed providing another $84,000 to NHDC for the Ironwood North development and for affordable rental housing. On August 9, 2004, the City Commission approved the design plat for the proposed neighborhood.
The City Commission requested that NHDC meet with staff and neighbors prior to the August 23, 2004 City Commission meeting, to discuss issues associated with the proposed development, and that on August 23, 2004 NHDC representatives be prepared to discuss the development further with the City Commission with regard to issues (income mix and other issues) the Commission may want to review to the City's satisfaction given that the City is providing block grant funds for the development. The meeting among NHDC representatives, City staff and neighbors has taken place.
Fiscal Note
The City is providing $164,000 in block grant funds to NHDC during this year's and the previous year's funding cycle.
Postpone the discussion about the proposed Ironwood North subdivision with NHDC and interested neighbors until the September 13, 2004 City Commission meeting due to the unavailability of the NHDC Executive Director on August 23, 2004.