Eighth Annual Stop the Violence Rally - Reverend Karl Anderson (B)
This is a request for City Commission Contingency Funds for the People Against Violence Enterprises (PAVE) in support of the Eighth Annual Stop the Violence Rally.
The People Against Violence Enterprises is hosting the Eighth Anual Stop the Violence Rally to be held on August 4, 2007. The PAVE organization is requesting $5,558 to help defray the cost of expenses to raise an awareness to the whole community concerning violence prevention. The organization will use the funds to pay for two banners, backpacks, and Gainesville Police Department security. The City Commission contributed $1,500 in August of 2006 in support of this special event.
Fiscal Note
The People Against Violence Enterprises is requesting a total of $5,558 from the City Commission Contingency Fund.
The City Commission consider the request for funds and take action as appropriate.