Contract with Florida Department of Corrections for Inmate Work Crew Program (B)
As part of the FY 05-06 budget process, funds were appropriated in the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund operating budget for an Inmate Work Crew Program contract with the Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC). The Program will consist of one (1) FDOC supervisor and five (5) inmates from FDOC's work camp.
This annual contract cost of $55,773 will provide for the supervisor's salary plus miscellaneous tools and supplies. The City of Gainesville, with exception to City holidays, will be guaranteed 5 inmates each week for 40 hours. The major work focus of this crew will be litter cleanup along City roadways, cleanup of illegal dumpsites, and assist with graffiti removal.
Fiscal Note
Funds are available in the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund FY05 operating budget.
The City Commission: 1) authorize the Interim City Manager or designee to enter into a contract with the Florida Department of Corrections for a contractual inmate work crew not to exceed $55,773, subject to approval by City Attorney as to form and legality; and 2) authorize the contract to be renewed annually, subject to funding availability and that adequate performance has been demonstrated.