Development Project Cutoff Dates - Legislative No. 040068 (NB)
On June 14, 2004, the City Commission referred to the Community Development Committee the issue of development project cutoff dates, so the Community Development Committee would have the opportunity to discuss the City's subdivision review process, the various steps involved, and the timing and cutoffs associated with each step. Community Development staff has prepared proposed amendments to the subdivision process chapter and has proposed a specific timeline and cycle to be used in the review process. Staff has presented the proposed changes to the Community Development Committee, which has discussed them and received updates on September 20, 2004, February 17, 2005, July 14, 2005, August 4, 2005, and September 15, 2005.
At this time, the City Plan Board has reviewed the proposed changes to the subdivision plat process, and that petition will be forwarded to the City Commission once the Commission takes action on the development review process petition (the separate petition proposing to raise the thresholds for the site plan review process). Since this item is moving forward as a petition from the City Plan Board to the City Commission, the Community Development Committee wishes it removed from the Committee's referral list.
Fiscal Note
Community Development Committee to the City Commission: Remove this item from the referral list.