Award of Bid Sweetwater Park Improvements (B)
On May 29, 1998, the City of Gainesville's Recreation and Parks Department was informed by the State of Florida's Department of Protection, Bureau of Design and Recreation Services that the City was approved for a $75,000 grant for the Sweetwater Park Project. This grant is based on a three to one match with the State's share being 75% ($75,000) and the City of Gainesville's share 25% ($25,000) totaling $100,000.
As part of the grant project, the Purchasing Division solicited bids on November 6, 2000, for the removal of an existing asphalt path, installation of 9664 feet of concrete bicycle/exercise paths and sidewalks, and installation of playground equipment, interpretive signs and historic markers, benches, trash receptacles picnic tables and bike racks. Thirteen firms were represented at the pre-bid conference. Seven contractors submitted bids with Black Diamond Construction, Inc. submitting the low bid of $34,871.00.
Fiscal Note
Funds are available in the Nature Operations, Sweetwater Park Grant account.
The City Commission: 1) approve the award of the contract for the removal of an existing asphalt path, installation of 9664 feet of concrete bicycle/exercise paths and sidewalks, and installation of playground equipment, interpretive signs and historic markers, benches, trash receptacles picnic tables and bike racks, to Black Diamond Construction, Inc.; 2) authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute the contract, subject to approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality; and 3) authorize the issuance of a purchase order in an amount not to exceed $34,871.00.