Purchase of Security Camera Surveillance System for RTS Buses (NB)
In an effort to improve safety and security of passenger and transit operators and diminish the number of injury claims in buses, the Regional Transit System (RTS) plans to install security camera surveillance system on buses purchased in years 2001 and over. The Federal Transit Administration is emphasizing the use of federal funds to improve security at transit facilities and on buses or other transit vehicles.
RTS currently has nine (9) new (2005) buses with a security camera surveillance system as part of the purchase. Future bus purchases will include this security system. To standardize the security system, RTS recommends the use of the vendor supplying the existing system.
RTS has a grant for purchase and installation of the security camera surveillance equipment on eight (8) buses. The cost of the equipment for eight buses is $36,918.40.
Fiscal Note
Funds are available in an RTS Federal Transit Administration grant.
The City Commission: 1) approve the purchase and installation of security camera surveillance equipment; and 2) authorize the Interim City Manager or designee to approve the purchase of the security equipment.