Contract Award for the Procurement of Heavy Duty Brake Parts (B)
Regional Transit System (RTS) purchases heavy duty brake parts for repair and maintenance of its fleet of vehicles and equipment. Seventy-three (73) vendors were notified through Demand Star and sixteen (16) vendors obtained the bid documents. Bids were also mailed to local vendors. One bid was received. After evaluation of the bid, staff recommends award of the contract to Raney's Truck Parts, Inc. The term of the contract will be one year with an option of three one-year extensions, should all parties agree.
Fiscal Note
The estimated RTS annual expenditure for heavy duty brake parts is approximately $70,000. Funds are available in the RTS budget for FY 05-06. The Fleet Management Department will also utilize this contract and funds in the amount of $10,000 are available in the Fleet Management FY 05-06 budget.
The City Commission: 1) award the contract to Raney's Truck Parts, Inc. for the procurement of heavy duty brake parts; and 2) authorize the Interim City Manager or designee to execute the contract.