Environmental Consulting Services Agreement (NB)
As a result of discussions with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), specialized assistance in the development of operational performance standards for the proposed Thermal Treatment Unit (TTU) that is to be part of the Poole Roofing/CSXT manufactured gas plant site remediation work is required to augment the City's existing contract with Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc. Staff has identified Focus Environmental as a highly qualified firm with a demonstrated track record of specialized knowledge and experience uniquely able to provide the required supplemental assistance. The proposed scope of services includes modifying the existing project bid specifications to reflect greater specificity and technical detail for the TTU and its operation. A subsequent and related task would be the development of proposal evaluation criteria to be used in the selection process of the TTU vendor. In addition, Focus will be tasked with a constructability review of the contract documents, intended to reduce the exposure to contract change orders.
Focus Environmental was selected based on its highly qualified environmental staff and its history of success with 100+ technically complex remediation projects using thermal treatment and air pollution control processes for waste management. These projects ranged in size from 700 to 275,000 tons of treated soil over the past ten (10) years for a wide variety of industrial and governmental clients. In addition, Focus Environmental specializes in the field of soil remediation yet does not have ties to a company performing thermal treatment and thus is uniquely qualified to represent the City and its interests.
Much work has been done over the past several months trying to establish the operation criteria for the proposed mobile thermal treatment unit to be used in the remediation work. The regulatory agencies have agreed to ...
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