Contract Amendment to Extend the Agreement for Solid Waste Collection with WCA of Florida, LLC (B)
The City executed the Amended and Restated Agreement for collection of solid waste, recyclable materials and yard trash dated October 1, 2018 with WCA of Florida, LLC (WCA). The agreement expires on September 30, 2021.
The procurement process for a new contact is underway. The new contract will be an exclusive franchise for commercial, multifamily, and curbside residential collection. The time for procurement and implementation will be beyond the current expiration date. This First Amendment provides for an additional six months of service from WCA followed by the option to extend for two additional three-month periods.
WCA and community builders negotiated a 6% increase in services for this amendment. WCA last received an increase in cost for services in 2018.
Strategic Connection
This item is connected to Goal 2: Sustainable Community and is a normal priority item.
Fiscal Note
The additional contractual costs in FY22 will be approximately $227,480. A supplemental increase for the Solid Waste Fund has been submitted as part of the budget process.
The City Commission: 1) approve the First Amendment to the Amended and Restated Agreement between the City and WCA of Florida, LLC for Collection of Solid Waste, Recyclable Material and Yard Trash; and 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the appropriate contract documents, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.