Regional Transit System FY 2006 Program of Projects (POP) and FY 2003-2004 Performance Measures (B)
This item involves a request for the City Commission to approve a Resolution authorizing the filing of an application with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)
Each year, the Regional Transit System is required to submit a Program of Projects to the Federal Transit Administration and a budget application to the Florida Department of Transportation for Capital and Operating projects for public comment. A public hearing was held October 26, 2005, and there were no comments from the public. FY 2003-2004 Performance Measures were published in the Gainesville Sun on October 18, 2005, as required by the FTA.
Fiscal Note
The costs for the Program of Projects are included in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) approved by the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization.
The City Commission: 1) approve the Program of Projects for FY 2006; 2) approve the Resolution authorizing the filing of an application with the Department of Transportation; and 3) authorize the Mayor and Clerk of the Commission to execute the Resolution.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission deny adoption of the Resolution, resulting in the City of Gainesville Regional Transit System becoming ineligible for State and Federal funding. The fiscal impact of this alternative recommendation is a loss of Federal Transit Administration funding.