Florida Recreation Development Assistant Program Grant Application for Multipurpose Pavilion/Open Air Classroom (B)
This item requests the City Commission to authorize staff to submit a grant application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Recreation Development Program for the development of a multipurpose pavilion/open air classroom for the picnic area at Morningside Nature Center.
The Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) offers funding to local governments for the following categories: 1) development or acquisition of lands for public outdoor recreational purposes; and 2) construction or renovation of public recreational trails. The maximum grant funds an applicant may request is $200,000 with grant match ratios based on the grant cap of $200,000 as follows: 1) Project cost $50,000 or less, State share 100%, Grantee share, 0%; 2) Project cost $50,001 to $150,000, State share 75%, Grantee share 25%; or 3) Project cost $150,001 up to $400,000, State share 50%, Grantee share 50%. Applications must be postmarked no later than September 15, 2006.
Morningside Nature Center, located at 3650 South Main Street, was constructed and opened to the public in 1969. Since its construction and opening, numerous citizen requests have identified a need for an outdoor covered facility for picnics and small social gatherings. Additionally, a protected site for environmental education classes and nature camps is very much needed at the park where there is limited space to accommodate over 290 programs and 8 nature camps held each year. The intent of this grant application is to provide matching funds for the construction of a multipurpose pavilion/open air classroom which will meet the community's needs as well as provide a facility for environmental educational programs and services currently provided at the park.
Fiscal Note
This project is estimated to require a total of $150,000. Of t...
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