What’s Next for the GCRA: September Update (B)
The draft ordinance that outlines the Gainesville CRA’s transition from Special District to City Department was presented to the City Commission on May 2, 2019 for review. Following that a first reading was approved on August 15, 2019 and second reading approved on September 5, 2019. The ordinance sets up the Community Redevelopment Agency as a department called the “Gainesville Community Reinvestment Area (GCRA)” beginning in the new fiscal year, which starts October 1, 2019.
This was the first official step approving an ordinance that was drafted to codify the terms of the CRA’s future after almost two years of public negotiations with the City of Gainesville and Alachua County regarding the future of the CRA. Next steps include formation of a new Advisory Board and a public process to consolidate the four former redevelopment plans into a single reinvestment plan for a single district.
At today’s meeting CRA Staff will outline critical dates for the two official next steps - formation of a 15-member citizen lead Advisory Board and the district Plan Consolidation - and will also present the Board with a 10-year lookback and presentation on the occasion of the final meeting of the Gainesville Redevelopment Agency’s governing board.
Fiscal Note
None at this time
CRA Executive Director to the CRA Board: 1) Hear update from CRA Staff