Expanding Personnel & Organizational Structure Committee (NB)
This referral was a result of the Mayor's May 14, 2004 Transition/Brainstorming Committees meeting. On July 12, 2004, the City Commission referred this item to the Personnel & Organizational Structure Committee to discuss expanding the size of the Committee so that the Committee could focus on providing additional communication services, such as making City Commission e-mails available to the public for viewing, to further assist as a liaison between the City and the citizens for conflict resolution, etc.
On October 5, 2004, the Personnel & Organizational Structure Committee met to discuss this item and deemed that there was insufficient staff to take on additional communication duties at this time. The Committee further recommended that they not take action on this item and to request that this referral be removed from the Personnel & Organizational Structure Committee's referral list.
Fiscal Note
The City Commission remove this referral from the Personnel & Organizational Structure Committee's referral list.