RTS Administration Modular Building Project (B)
This item involves a request for approval to have a Modular Building for RTS Administration next to the RTS Operations building at 100 SE 10th Avenue.
During the past four (4) years RTS administration staff has moved two (2) times with the possibility of being forced to move again this year. The current lease expires October 24, 2008 and the landlord has expressed interest in selling the property. RTS staff would like to move to its existing site next to the RTS Operations building at 100 SE 10th Avenue as soon as possible because it would greatly improve staff productivity and working conditions, be more cost effective, and eliminate other unnecessary moving expenses.
As a part of the master planning efforts, site work was conducted in order to accommodate a future administration building at the RTS facility located at 100 SE 10th Avenue. Even though plans call for an administration building at that location, the maintenance facility and operations facility expansion have funding priority over the administration building.
RTS anticipates that it would take at least five (5) years to collect funding for the maintenance and operations facility before getting funding for the administration building.
The modular building will be designed to match as much as possible the current architecture of the operations building.
Fiscal Note
Currently RTS has $326,000 for this project through FTA Section 5307 grants.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) approve the RTS administration modular building; and 2) direct staff to continue with the planning/design efforts.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission: 1) deny staff recommendation; and 2) direct staff to look for another location to accommodate RTS administration offices.