2016 Past Grantees National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA) Walmart Foundation Out-of-School Time Programs Grant (NB)
This item requests approval of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs (PRCA) to accept, if awarded, a grant from National Recreation and Parks Association/Walmart Foundation Out-of-School Time Programs Grant for $10,000 to support healthy meals at the Recreation Centers.
The department has applied for grant funds in the amount of $10,000 from the Past Grantees NRPA/Walmart Foundation to support children and adults that attend City recreation centers. Additional meals will be served to needy families in our community in collaboration with our partners, Bread of the Mighty Food Bank and the Alachua County School Board. PRCA recreation center staff will be able to expand the nutritional information programs to teach families about eating healthy. Many times the meals served at the Centers are the only meal that some children will receive on a given day. The Past Grantees NRPA/Walmart Foundation 2016 Out-of-School Time Programs Grant will enhance PRCA’s ability to increase the number of healthy meals and snacks served at the centers, as well as purchase much needed equipment.
Fiscal Note
There is no fiscal impact to this grant.
The City Commission: 1) approve the request to accept the grant if awarded from the NRPA/Walmart Foundation; and 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the grant award agreement and other grant related documents, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.