Grant Application to the State Division of Cultural Affairs for General Support (B)
The City's Department of Cultural Affairs has been designated by Alachua County as the Local Arts Agency of Alachua County, which makes the department eligible to apply for general program support from the State of Florida's Division of Cultural Affairs ("DCA"). State guidelines stipulate that Local Arts Agencies must demonstrate that they "1) engage in an active, broad-based, strategic planning process; 2) actively service and promote arts organizations and constituencies; and 3) cooperate with other agencies of commerce, tourist development councils, downtown development authorities and the Division, to further cultural goals and objectives."
Funding under this grant agreement will provide general program assistance for July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2005. A cash grant match equal to the awarded grant amount is required.
Fiscal Note
Contingent upon adoption of the City's budgets for these periods, matching funds (up to $60,000 per grant year) equal to the amount of the grant award (up to $60,000 per each of three grant years) will be provided from within the department's budget.
The City Commission: 1) authorize the application by the City's Department of Cultural Affairs, for a grant in an amount not to exceed $60,000 per grant year; and 2) authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute the grant application and subsequent agreement on behalf of the City.