Federal Transit Administration Capital Grant Authorizing Resolution
The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations has included an earmark of $2,000,000 for the City of Gainesville for buses and equipment in the committee report for the U. S. Department of Transportation's FY 1999 Appropriations Bill. This earmark will only become available to the City of Gainesville when included in the final U. S. Department of Transportation Appropriations Act for FY 1999 as passed by both Houses of Congress and signed by the President. Staff expects that this earmark will be contained in the final appropriations that will be signed into law by September 30, 1998. By approving the authorizing resolution now staff will be able to submit a grant application by September 30, 1998. The Federal Transit Administration uses a 3 month grant release cycle which requires a grantee to submit a complete grant application package by the start of any calendar quarter to obtain a grant award by the end of that quarter. December 31, 1998, would be the latest we would expect the grant award.
Fiscal Note
The City will request federal capital assistance totaling $2,000,000 to purchase eight replacement buses and related equipment. The Florida Department of Transportation will provide the total local share with toll-revenue credits in the form of a soft match. No City of Gainesville funds will be utilized for the local share of the capital grant.
The City Commission: 1) adopt the resolution authorizing the City Manager to file a grant application and execute all required assurances and certifications with the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration; 2) authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the resolution; 3) authorize the City Manager to execute the grant contract with the Federal Transit Administration and a joint participation agreement with the Florida Department of Transportat...
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