Resolution Requesting Transfer of Property from FDOT (B)
As part of the Kelly Re-Powering Project public participation process, design charrettes were held with members of the local community. Conceptual plans for a permimeter treatment were developed during the design charrettes to ensure that the facility would blend into a concept for redevelopment of the area surrounding the Kelly Plant. GRU is in the process of actively pursuing implementation of the concepts developed during these design charrettes.
During the design and permitting process for the project a survey was ordered. The survey reveals that a portion of the property within the current fence line of the Kelly Plant compound, as well as an existing stormwater collection basin, is located on land owned by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). It is staff's desire to acquire this property as well as a small strip adjacent to the existing fence line to accommodate the perimeter treatment planned for the Kelly Plant Re-Powering project. FDOT has agreed to transfer ownership of the subject property to the City via Quit-Claim Deed upon receipt of a Resolution determining the necessity and public purpose of said acquisition.
The City Commission adopt a resolution: 1) determining the necessity and public purpose of acquiring property located along the northern right-of-way of SE Depot Avenue adjacent to the southwest corner of the Kelly Generating Station; 2) authorizing the acquisition of said property; and 3) authorizing the General Manager or his designee to execute all documents necessary to effect the transfer of said property, subject to approval as to form and legality by the City Attorney.
Fiscal Note
This property will be transferred at no cost to the City.
Prepared by Patricia A. Moore, Utilities Administrative Services Director
Submitted by Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager