Update on Strategic Initiative 7.1 - Monitor the Progress of the Clean-up of Cabot/Koppers Superfund Site (B)
The Regional Utilities Committee recommends the City Commission adopt modifications to the City Commission Strategic Initiative to clean-up and redevelop the Cabot/Koppers Superfund site.
At the January 11, 2010 City Commission Strategic Planning Workshop, Commissioner Lowe brought forth the issue of modifying City Commission Strategic Initiative 7.1 to reflect the City's commitment and involvement in the clean-up and redevelopment of the Cabot/Koppers Superfund site.
On January 21, 2010 the City Commission heard an update on the status of the clean-up and redevelopment of the Cabot/Koppers Superfund site from USEPA Region IV Representative Scott Miller, Beazer East Representative Mitchell Brourman, staff and many local stakeholders. As a part of this update Commissioner Lowe suggested new language for the Commission to consider. The City Commission unanimously voted to adopt the language as proposed by Commissioner Lowe and refer Strategic Initiative 7.1 to the Regional Utilities Committee for further review and discussion.
On February 11, 2009 the Regional Utilities Committee reviewed modifications to Strategic Initiative 7.1 based on Commissioner Lowe's proposal, recommendations from the City Commission and the public, and the timeline presented by USEPA Region IV Representative Scott Miller. The Regional Utilities Committee unanimously voted to accept the staff recommendation and edit the desired outcome as follows:
"It is the objective of the City of Gainesville for the Cabot/Koppers Superfund site to be remediated to standards safe for residential uses and in a manner that will ensure that air, ground water, drinking water supply, and soil of Gainesville are protected."
Regional Utilities Committee to the City Commission: 1) adopt the proposed modifications to Strategic Initiative 7.1; 2) au...
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