Annual Contract with B & W Computer & Technologies, Inc., for Provision of PC's
Annual Contract with B & W Computer & Technologies, Inc., for Provision of PC's
In an effort to upgrade and replace older equipment and to provide a continued standardization and expansion of computer access to general government users, an invitation to bid for General Government's annual requirement of microcomputers and miscellaneous components were sent to thirty (30) local suppliers. Four (4) suppliers responded.
Bid evaluations were based on product quality, price, vendor exceptions to specifications, references and local MBE/SBE utilization. Bidders were also required to provide a three (3) year warranty on parts and on-site labor. After the tabulations were completed, B & W Computer and Technologies, Inc., a locally owned minority business, was deemed the most responsive.
The term of the contract shall commence August 12, 1999, and terminate after twelve (12) months. The City reserves the right to extend the contract for two (2) additional twelve-month periods.
Fiscal Note
Funding for these purchases is available in individual department budgets.
The City Commission authorize the City Manager or designee to execute a contract with B & W Computer & Technologies, Inc., for the provision of microcomputers and miscellaneous components for various departments of General Government in amounts not-to-exceed the budgeted amounts for these systems, subject to final appropriation of funds for FY 99-2000.